A Blog for Dad

In honor of father's day, this week's blog is dedicated to all things dad, all the daddest things I can think of compiled here for your education and enjoyment. We shall cover such topics as BBQ'ing, dad-fashion, lawn maintenance, and how to perfectly pack a cooler for optimum functionality and coldness distribution.

First off, if you are a dad let's get you comfortable. That means it's time to kick off your shoes and go sit in…DAD'S CHAIR! You know the one, it's a little older but incredibly comfy. The kids can sit in it but their little butts better clear out when dad rolls up.



Now that you have your feet up let's get a cold one in ya.

That hits the spot, proper dad fuel. You earned it after all that mowing you just did. BTW, excellent job with the lawn pattern, very pro.


Ya know, now that the lawn looks so good maybe we should fire up the ol' grill and cook some brats, eh? Slow down, tiger! First we need to pack the cooler!

A perfectly packed cooler is truly a thing of beauty and every dad know this. It start with drinks, beer on one side a sodas on the other. The drink should be spaced approx. ½" apart to allow ice flow. On top of the cans go the ice. Not too much ice because you still need room for the food which will only be half covered in ice to prevent soggy buns. Condiments off to the side.

Brings a tear to the eye, doesn't it.


Allright! The lawn looks great, the cooler is packed, you have some James Tayler playing on the boombox, and you are ready to light the grill but first let's talk dad fashion. Here is what you will need:

Baggy cargo short

Sandals with socks

Hawaiian tee or comfy cotton tee that you have had since high school

Ragged ball cap


Comical apron


That's It! You are dressed for success, your yard looks great, the cooler is cold, the grill is hot, and the world is your oyster. Congrats, you are the daddest dad who ever dadded. Let's cook some brats, eh?